Chief Housing Officer
Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs


Emily Cooper is the Chief Housing Officer at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA). Emily is a nationally recognized expert with over 20 years of experience helping organizations to access and better utilize housing programs to meet the needs of special populations. At EOEA, she is responsible for helping to design agency policy around preserving and expanding housing opportunities. As part of this, Emily works collaboratively with MassHealth (the state Medicaid agency), with state and local housing agencies, Continuums of Care, and communities to create innovate solutions to addressing housing instability and preventing homelessness.

Prior to joining EOEA, Emily was the Director of Housing Practice for the Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC), a national nonprofit supportive housing consulting firm. She was a principal consultant for TAC’s federal homeless contracts, providing trainings and workshops to homeless providers and Continuum of Care planning groups. She also worked at the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development administering rental assistance programs for homeless households and people with special needs. She specializes in creating feasible and realistic strategies to maximize funding and leverage all available state, local, and federal resources for the lowest income households.
