Chief Program Officer
Downtown Women's Center

Erika Hartman, M.A. LMFT, is the Chief Program Officer of the Downtown Women’s Center, where she oversees the permanent supportive housing, community-based housing, bridge housing, health and wellness, and workforce development departments, as well as performance and quality improvement and measurement and evaluation. Prior to working at the Downtown Women’s Center, Erika served as the Chief Program Officer of Westside Children’s Center where she oversaw the child welfare, infant mental health and disabilities, and early education departments, performance and quality improvement, as well as the agency-wide national accreditation through the Council on Acreditation. Erika has also worked as an Administrator in the Gang Reduction Youth Development Department at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where she oversaw gang intervention programs. Additionally, she has served as a researcher in the Department of Clinical Psychology, at the University of Southern California, and in the Department of Education and the Department of Psychological and Brain Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Erika has been a presenter at conferences including the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference, Housing First Partners Conference, Corporation for Supportive Housing Conference, Design for Dignity, Safety Net Innovations Dr. Hershel Swinger Memorial Partnership Conference for Children and Families, Los Angeles County Psychological Association Research Convention, and the Convention of the Society for Research on Adolescence, where she has presented on topics including trauma informed care, housing first for domestic violence survivors, workforce development, health and homelessness, intersectionality and ending homelessness for women, and serving older adults in permanent supportive housing, among others. She holds a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from the University of Southern California, and bachelor’s degrees in psychology and sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
